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collection by ICAF Europe

Salade d'Oranges au muscat de Rivesaltes (Orange fruit salad in Rivesaltes muscatel wine)

4 good navel oranges
1/2 litre Rivesaltes muscatel wine
2 tablespoons of icing sugar
About 8-10 leaves of mint

Photograph (c)2008 Hélène Vergé

Peel the oranges while fresh, cut them into small pieces of about 1/2 cm and put them into an appropriate bowl. Finely chop the mint leaves and sprinkle over the pieces of orange.

In a small saucepan dissolve the sugar in the wine and bring to the boil rapidly on a very hot stove. Pour the warm liquid over the orange mixture so that it just covers the fruit. Leave to cool and then put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.