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collection by ICAF Europe

Adventszopf (Advent bread plait)

1 block of yeast (usually blocks of about 42 grams are available from stores)
1/4 l. sour cream
50 g sugar For the topping:
450 g flour 1 egg yolk
100 g butter 20 - 30 g almond flakes (for decoration)
1 tablespoon rum
1-2 eggs
50 g raisins
50 g ground almonds

Warm the sour cream and crumble the yeast. Mix these with 2 teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of flour. Put the rest of the flour into a bowl. Make a hollow in the flour and put the yeast mixture into that hollow. Cover this with flour and put aside in a warm place to rest for about an hour to rise.

Meanwhile, mix the butter, eggs, rum, raisins, rest of sugar and almonds. When the dough is ready, knead these thoroughly into the dough. Make three equally thick tubes and plait them. Let this rest again for half an hour in a warm place to rise. Finally brush on the beaten egg yolk and almonds as a topping. Put the plait into a preheated over at 200o C for 40 minutes.